The Latest From Impact Maker: September 2021

We want to help you stay up to date about the work happening across our seven teams and let you know when and where you can engage to make an impact on that work.
Engage Your Employer in Impact Maker
Support Postsecondary Enrollment & Attainment
Valley Leadership’s Impact Maker Education Team envisions an Arizona where every child receives an excellent education every step of the way that prepares them for success in life and work. They have focused their efforts on supporting postsecondary access, especially as it pertains to increasing FAFSA completion rates. FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is one of the strongest predictors of postsecondary enrollment, which is why it is such an important lever in our efforts to get more students to continue their education after high school. You can help the Education Team improve postsecondary access through FAFSA completion!
Learn more about how your organization can help promote FAFSA.
There are many ways that you can get involved in FAFSA as an individual as well. Join the Education Team’s partners to learn more about you can support students as FAFSA season kicks off!
Register for the statewide FAFSA kickoff and FAFSA bootcamp series.
Get to Know the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program
The Impact Maker Child Well-Being Team has committed to increasing supports for children and families interacting with the child welfare system. CASAs are citizen volunteers who do just that. They act as the “eyes and ears” of the juvenile court, advocating for the best interests of children who find themselves within the foster care system. Magnify your organization’s impact through employee engagement in CASA!
Schedule a brief presentation for your organization to learn more.
Implement the Stigma Reduction Toolkit at Your Workplace
September is Recovery Month. The Impact Maker Health Team has launched a website for organizations to engage employees on their health – and break the stigma associated with seeking help for opioid use disorder. Reducing the stigma around addiction is a critical step in building safe, supportive communities and we encourage businesses to find out how they can better support their teams.
Schedule a brief presentation to learn how this resource can benefit your team and organization.
Help Place Free Little Libraries Across the Phoenix Metro
Help the Impact Maker Education Team and its team members focused on increasing early literacy find community partners and supporters to steward a Free Little Library. Spend the next three months exploring communities and building partnerships with community organizations and corporate partners to steward a library.
Reach out and let us know you’re interested or sponsor a Little Free Library today.
Contribute to Impact Maker
You can share your time, talent, treasure – or a combination – to one or several Impact Maker Teams. Find out about the latest opportunities at