The Latest From Impact Maker: October 2021

We want to help you stay up to date about the work happening across our seven teams and let you know when and where you can engage to make an impact on that work.
Reflecting on 2020 and 2021

As we enter the final months of 2021, we wanted to take the time to reflect on the strides that leaders like you have made across the most pressing issues facing Arizona through Impact Maker. Over the past year and a half – a time undoubtedly marked by adversity and resilience – we’ve asked you to draw on the values, skills and perspective gained from your VL experience for the betterment of the community. We asked you to roll up your sleeves and get to work – and you’ve done just that. Take a look at the work you’ve accomplished together – and share with your networks!
Partner Spotlights
The MolinaCares Accord Donates $100,000 to Valley Leadership in Support of Employment Opportunities for Stigmatized Populations in Arizona
The Impact Maker Jobs & Economy Team has focused their efforts on supporting workforce development. The MolinaCares grant will fund creation of an employer resource toolkit on inclusive hiring criteria. The Impact Team will engage with hundreds of Arizona companies about changes they can make to their hiring practices. Companies completing the program will be recognized for making an impact based on positive qualitative and quantitative criteria. Working with strategic partners like Molina Healthcare as well as Arouet and Arizona Peer and Family Career Academy, the team seeks to educate employers while providing access to resources that support and strengthen success in second chance recruitment and retention.
Read the press release for more details.
Promote, increase FAFSA completion with us this fall
Valley Leadership’s Impact Maker Education Team has focused their efforts on supporting postsecondary access, especially as it pertains to increasing FAFSA completion rates. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is one of the strongest predictors of postsecondary enrollment, which is why it is such an important lever in our efforts to get more students to continue their education after high school. The team has created resources for you to promote FAFSA to your network at work or in the community. And, with the support of Cox, we and partners have launched with resources for students and families to get help filing their FAFSA faster – through text, a phone call or one-on-one assistance. Help us spread the word about these critical resources.
Share with the students in your life! And learn more about how you can help promote FAFSA.
Contribute to Impact Maker
As we focus on the mission of Valley Leadership to empower leaders with the skills they need to take action on some of our most pressing issues, we are engaging our alumni, friends and community to help us underwrite that work. That means every dollar you give goes directly towards fueling the projects of Impact Maker that will create long-term change in critical areas like education, health, child well-being and many more. And, as you may recall, donating $150 to Impact Maker is one way to satisfy the requirements of an Impact Maker Contributor. We hope you will continue to include Valley Leadership among the Arizona organizations you choose to support – you can make your gift today at
Or, you can share your time, talent, or a combination, to one or several Impact Maker Teams. Find out about the latest opportunities at