Become a Contributor

As a Contributor, you support our Impact Maker teams by contributing your time, talent or treasure – or a combination. Contributor roles can be ongoing or ad hoc, depending on the needs of each team.

Contributor Responsibilities

If you’re interested in supporting the efforts of the Impact Maker teams, but aren’t able to commit to consistent monthly engagement, a Contributor role is for you!

As a Contributor, you can support To Do Items through ad-hoc projects that are related to your “expert competencies”. 

If you commit to being a Contributor, we’ll have you complete a form to provide your expert competencies so that we know when to reach out to you for support on the different Impact Maker Teams.

Terms are on a 1-year renewable basis.  

Role Info


Completion of specific tasks related to your expert competencies.

Commitment Duration

1-year commitment, renewed annually.

Guiding Principles

Our teams are operate by our Principles of Doing.

Contributor Opportunities